Кавказский энтомол. бюллетень 14(2): 249–251 © CAUCASIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL BULL. 2018

New taxa of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from South India Новые таксоны Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) из Южной Индии

© L.N. Medvedev

© Л.Н. Медведев

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospect, 33, Moscow 119071 Russia. E-mail: lev.n.medvedev@mail.ru

Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н. Северцова РАН, Ленинский пр., 33, Москва 119071 Россия

Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Cryptocephalinae, Eumolpinae, Alticini, new genus, new species, South India.

Ключевые слова: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Cryptocephalinae, Eumolpinae, Alticini, новый род, новые виды, Южная Индия.

Abstract. One new genus and three new species of Chysomelidae are described from South India. The monotypic genus Mesopana gen. n. (Galerucinae: Alticini) with the type species Mesopana viridis sp. n. is the most similar to Mesopa Jacoby, 1903, from which it distinctly differs by the transverse prothorax, short antennae, absence of basal convexity on elytra and simple mesotibiae. Cryptocephalus burgeri sp. n. (Cryptocephalinae) is similar to C. kandyensis Weise, 1903 from Sri Lanka and differs in the colour of underside, elytral black spots not margined with flavous, the pygidium with one black spot, the elytral punctation distinct at apex, pro- and mesotibiae of male very weakly widened to apex, tarsi not widened. Eurypelta splendida sp. n. (Eumolpinae) differs from E. modesta (Fabricius, 1792) from Bengal in having narrow longitudinal convexities on elytra, other colour and form of aedeagus and spermatheca. New distributional data and colour variations for Lema yerburyi Jacoby, 1908 (Criocerinae) and Aulacophora impressa (Fabricius, 1801) (Galerucinae) are given.

Резюме. Один новый род и 3 новых вида жуков- листоедов (Chrysomelidae) описаны из Южной Индии. Монотипический род Mesopana gen. n. (Galerucinae: Alticini) с типовым видом Mesopana viridis sp. n. наиболее похож на Mesopa Jacoby, 1903, от которого надежно отличается поперечным протораксом, короткими антеннами, отсутствием базальной выпуклости на надкрыльях и простыми задними голенями. Cryptocephalus burgeri sp. n. (Cryptocephalinae) похож на C. kandyensis Weise, 1903 из Шри-Ланки и отличается цветом нижней стороны тела, черными пятнами на надкрыльях без желтого окаймления, пигидиумом с одним черным пятном, четкой на вершине надкрылий пунктировкой, очень слабо расширенными к вершине передними и средними голенями самца, не расширенными лапками. Eurypelta splendida sp. n. (Eumolpinae) отличается от E. modesta (Fabricius, 1792) из Бенгалии наличием тонких продольных выпуклостей на надкрыльях, другой окраской, а также формой эдеагуса и сперматеки. Приведены новые данные по распространению и цветовым формам Lema yerburyi Jacoby, 1908 (Criocerinae) и Aulacophora impressa (Fabricius, 1801) (Galerucinae).


DOI: 10.23885/181433262018142-249251

I had a pleasure to study very interesting material, collected in South India, from Erfurt Museum thanks to amiability of Dr Matthias Hartmann. As a result of this study one new genus and three new species are described. Lema yerburyi Jacoby, 1908 from Sri Lanka is firstly recorded for South India. An entirely fulvous form of Aulacophora impressa (Fabricius, 1801) was also found in this region.

The following abbreviations are used for depository places of new species:

EM – Naturkundesmuseum Erfurt (Erfurt, Germany); LM – author’s collection (Moscow, Russia).

Subfamily Cryptocephalinae Cryptocephalus (s. str.) burgeri sp. n. (Fig 1, 2, 6)

Material. Holotype, (EM): India, Tamil Nadu, Distr. Vilupparam, Auronville, 12°0ʹN / 74°48ʹE, 1.08–5.10.2012 (leg. F. Burger). Paratype: 1(LM), same locality and date.

Description. Reddish fulvous, antennae black with 4 basal segments fulvous, prothorax with 2 black spots in middle (very small in female) and more or less fulvous lateral margins, elytra with 3 black spots (2, 1), pygidium pale fulvous with large bilobed black spot at base (Fig. 1), underside pale fulvous with middle part of segments 2–5 (male) or 2–4 (female) black (Fig. 2).

Body parallel-sided. Head finely punctured, without impressions. Antennae thin, reach behind humeral tubercle, proportions of segments are as 10 : 2 : 5 : 5 : 5 : 6 : 6 : 7 : 6 : 6 : 5, preapical segments about twice as long as wide. Prothorax 1.5 times as wide as long, strongly convex, with lateral margins not seen from above, surface shining, very finely and sparsely punctuate. Scutellum triangular with rounded apex, very feebly notched basally, with extremely fine punctures. Elytra 1.2–1.3 times as long as wide, with regular rows of fine punctures, interspaces broad and flat, densely microsculptured. Pygidium feebly convex, finely punctuate, microsculptured, shortly pubescent. Segment 1 of anterior tarsus of male feebly widened, about as long as wide. Aedeagus (Fig. 6) parallel-sided with rounded apex, having small notch in the middle.

Length of male 5.6 mm, of female 7.2 mm.

Diagnosis. Near C. kandyensis Weise, 1903 from Sri Lanka, differs in the colour of underside; also elytral black spots is not margined with flavous, the pygidium is with one black spot, elytral punctation is distinct at apex, male pro- amd mesotibiae are very feebly widened to apex, tarsi are also not widened.

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Figs 1–11. Species of Chrysomelidae from South India, general view and details of structure.

1–2, 6 – Cryptocephalus burgeri sp. n.: 1 – holotype, male, dorsal view, 2 – paratype, female, ventral view, 6 – aedeagus, ventral view; 3, 7, 10 – Eurypelta splendida sp. n.: 3 – habitus, 7 – aedeagus, ventral view, 10 – spermatheca; 4, 8, 11 – Eurypelta modesta: 4 – habitus, 8 – aedeagus, ventral view, 11 – spermatheca; 5, 9 – Mesopana viridis sp. n.: 5 – habitus, 9 – aedeagus, ventral view.

Рис. 1–11. Виды Chrysomelidae из Южной Индии, общий вид и детали строения.

1–2, 6 – Cryptocephalus burgeri sp. n.: 1 – голотип, самец, вид сверху, 2 – паратип, самка, вид снизу, 6 – эдеагус вентрально; 3, 7, 10 – Eurypelta splendida sp. n.: 3 – габитус, 7 – эдеагус вентрально, 10 – spermatheca; 4, 8, 11 – Eurypelta modesta: 4 – габитус, 8 – эдеагус вентрально, 11 – spermatheca; 5, 9 – Mesopana viridis sp. n.: 5 – габитус, 9 – эдеагус вентрально.

New taxa of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from South India 251

Subfamily Eumolpinae Eurypelta splendida sp. n. (Figs 3, 7, 10)

Material. Holotype, (EM): India, Tamil Nadu, Distr. Vilupparam Auroville, 12°0ʹN / 79°48ʹE, 1.05–31.07.2012 (leg. F. Burger). Paratypes: 3 ex. (EM), 1 ex. (LM), same locality and date; 1 ex. (EM), 1 ex. (LM), same locality.

Description. Metallic bronze with longitudinal red stripe, partly margined with green on upperside, 3 stripes on head and prothorax and 2 stripes on elytra (Fig. 3), all palpi fulvous, antennae black with 4 basal segments fulvous. Body elongate ovate. Head strongly and densely, partly rugosely punctuate, without any descriptions on frons and vertex. Antennae reach almost middle of elytra; proportions of segments are as 8 : 6 : 9 : 10 : 10 : 10 : 12 : 12 : 12 : 12 : 14, segments 7–11 moderately widened, about twice as long as wide. Prothorax 1.8–1.9 times as wide as long, broadest near acute posterior angles and feebly narrowed anteriorly, strongly and densely punctuate. Scutellum feebly transverse, almost subquadrate with broadly rounded apex, impunctate. Elytra 1.3 times as long as wide in humeral area, strongly and densely punctuate, punctures partly arranged in irregular areas and divided with 3 longitudinal and narrow elevations, more distinct in female. Pygidium with sharp middle furrow, not ridged on bottom. Segment 1of anterior tarsi of male moderately thickened. Propleurae strongly punctuate. Aedeagus as in Fig. 7, spermatheca as in Fig. 10.

Length of male 5.8–6.1 mm, of female 6.5–7.1 mm.

Diagnosis. Very near to E. modesta (Fabricius, 1792) from Bengal, but differs well in having narrow longitudinal convexities on elytra, also with other colour and form of aedeagus and spermatheca. In E. modesta upperside mostly with alternate golden and purple or green stripe (Fig. 4), aedeagus as in Fig. 8, spermatheca as in Fig. 11.

Eurypelta modesta was known mostly with labels “Ind. or.” and “Bengal”, also Mysor in South India [Jacoby, 1908]. However the last locality might belongs to described new species.

Subfamily Galerucinae Tribe Alticini Mesopana gen. n.

Type species Mesopana viridis sp. n.

Description. Body elongate, not pubescent on upperside. Clypeus triangular and prolonged between antennal sockets, frontal ridges sharp, straight and divergent under obtuse angle, frontal tubercles absent, vertex without impressions. Antennae 11-segmented, nitidiform, comparatively short. Prothorax evenly convex, without any trace of impression basally. Elytra confusedly punctate, with distinct humeral tubercle. Wings present. Anterior coxal cavities closed. The first abdominal segment without ridges. Spur of posterior tibia short and moderately thick. The third tarsal segment bilobed. Segment 1 of posterior tarsus almost as long as

the next segments united. Mid and hind tibiae without preapical and axial excavations.

Diagnosis. Might be placed near Mesopa Jacoby, 1903, differs with distinctly transverse prothorax, short antennae, absence of basal convexity on elytra and simple hind tibiae.

Mesopana viridis sp. n.

(Figs 5, 9)

Material. Holotype, , (EM): India, Tamil Nadu, Distr. Vilupparam Auroville, 12°0ʹN / 79°48ʹE, 1.08–5.10.2012 (leg. F. Burger). Paratypes: 11 ex. (EM), 3 ex. (LM), same locality and date; 1 specimen in the private collection of K.D. Prathapan (Kerala Аgricultural University, India).

Description. Head and upperside metallic green, antennae black with 5–6 basal segments entirely or partly fulvous (Fig. 5), underside and pygidium black, legs fulvous with apices of hind femora darkened, mostly dorsally.

Head finely and very sparsely punctuate and very finely microsculptured. Antennae reach anterior quarter of elytra, proportions of segments are as 7 : 3 : 5 : 4 : 4 : 4 : 4 : 4 : 5 : 5 : 7, preapical segments 1.2–1.3 times as wide as long, broadest in middle, but side margins almost straight, anterior angles obtusely angular, with a bristle, surface microsculptured, finely and not densely punctate. Scutellum semicircular, impunctate. Elytra 1.5 times as long as wide, without basal convexity, densely punctuate, with interspaces smaller than diameter of punctures and microsculptured. Aedeagus as in Fig. 9.

Length of body 2.8–3 mm.

New localities and colour forms.

Subfamily Criocerinae

Lema (Petauristes) yerburyi Jacoby, 1908

Material. 7 ex. (EM), India, Tamil Nadu, Distr. Vilupparam Auroville, 12°0ʹN / 79°48ʹE, 1.05–31.07.2012 (leg. F. Burger); 1 ex. (LM), same locality, 6–31.10.2012.

Notes. This species was described from Sri Lanka, but specimens from Indian subcontinent are exactly the same. Except large series from Tamil Nadu, mentioned above, I have also in my collection one specimen from Kerala. A length of specimen from Sri Lanka is 9 mm, a length of specimens from Tamil Nadu population is 8–9.5 mm.

Subfamily Galerucinae

Aulacophora impressa (Fabricius, 1801)

Material. 2 ex. (EM), India, Tamil Nadu, Distr. Vilupparam Auroville, 12°0ʹN / 79°48ʹE, 1.05–31.07.2012 (leg. F. Burger).

Note. Both specimens have entirely fulvous elytra.


Jacoby M. 1908. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera Chrysomelidae. Vol. 1. London: Taylor and Francis. 534 p.

Received / Поступила: 30.08.2018 Accepted / Принята: 13.11.2018