Determination of concentrations 2H and 17O by NMR spectroscopy method in drinking water, fruit and vegetables fresh juices with introduction of EU(CF3SO3)3 to the reference sample

Dorohova A., Basov A., Moiseev A., Dzhimak S. Determination of concentrations 2H and 17O by NMR spectroscopy method in drinking water, fruit and vegetables fresh juices with introduction of EU(CF3SO3)3 to the reference sample // Carpathian journal of food science and technology. — 2022. — Vol. 14, No. 4 — P. 129–139. — DOI: 10.34302/crpjfst/2022.14.4.10.

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Dorohova A., Basov A., Moiseev A., Dzhimak S. Determination of concentrations 2H and 17O by NMR spectroscopy method in drinking water, fruit and vegetables fresh juices with introduction of EU(CF3SO3)3 to the reference sample // Carpathian journal of food science and technology. — 2022. — Vol. 14, No. 4 — P. 129–139. — DOI: 10.34302/crpjfst/2022.14.4.10.