Implementation of national projects of the “second wave” in the southern regions of russia within reference points “competitiveness, sustainability, security, balance”: Economic and politicalanalysis 1 [РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ПРОЕКТОВ «ВТОРОЙ ВОЛНЫ» В ЮЖ

Implementation of national projects of the “second wave” in the southern regions of russia within reference points “competitiveness, sustainability, security, balance”: Economic and politicalanalysis 1 [РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ПРОЕКТОВ «ВТОРОЙ ВОЛНЫ» В ЮЖНЫХ РЕГИОНАХ РОССИИ В КООРДИНАТАХ «КУБС»: ЭКОНОМИКО-ПОЛИТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ] // Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriia 4: Istoriia, Regionovedenie, Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniia. 2021. DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2021.5.12. Q

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Implementation of national projects of the “second wave” in the southern regions of russia within reference points “competitiveness, sustainability, security, balance”: Economic and politicalanalysis 1 [РЕАЛИЗАЦИЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ПРОЕКТОВ «ВТОРОЙ ВОЛНЫ» В ЮЖНЫХ РЕГИОНАХ РОССИИ В КООРДИНАТАХ «КУБС»: ЭКОНОМИКО-ПОЛИТОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ АНАЛИЗ] // Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriia 4: Istoriia, Regionovedenie, Mezhdunarodnye Otnosheniia. 2021. DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2021.5.12. Q