Investigation on the Chlorophyll- a Content of Phytoplankton in the Sea of Azov and the Don River by the Fluorescence Method

Plyaka P., Glushchenko G., Gerasyuk V., Kleshchenkov A., Grigorenko K., Shevchenko M., Yurasov Y., Valov G., Tron I., Popovyan G., Berdnikov S. Investigation on the chlorophyll-a content of phytoplankton in the sea of Azov and the Don river by the fluorescence method // Fluorescence Methods for Investigation of Living Cells and Microorganisms / Ed. N. Grigoryeva. IntechOpen, 2020. P. 139–152.

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Индексация публикации
(5)- Публикация в сборнике статей (в трудах/материалах научных мероприятий), энциклопедии, справочнике, словаре, определителе, Красной книге - 3 балла

Plyaka P., Glushchenko G., Gerasyuk V., Kleshchenkov A., Grigorenko K., Shevchenko M., Yurasov Y., Valov G., Tron I., Popovyan G., Berdnikov S. Investigation on the chlorophyll-a content of phytoplankton in the sea of Azov and the Don river by the fluorescence method // Fluorescence Methods for Investigation of Living Cells and Microorganisms / Ed. N. Grigoryeva. IntechOpen, 2020. P. 139–152.