The armenian community of the don in the late 18th – early 21st centuries: From a self-governing colony to a multi-component ethnic and cultural minority | [Armianskaia obshchina dona v kontse XVIII – nachale XXI v.: ot samoupravliaemoi kolonii k etnokul’

The armenian community of the don in the late 18th – early 21st centuries: From a self-governing colony to a multi-component ethnic and cultural minority | [Armianskaia obshchina dona v kontse XVIII – nachale XXI v.: ot samoupravliaemoi kolonii k etnokul’turnomu men’shinstvu] // Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie. 2020. DOI: 10.31857/S086954150010049-3. S

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The armenian community of the don in the late 18th – early 21st centuries: From a self-governing colony to a multi-component ethnic and cultural minority | [Armianskaia obshchina dona v kontse XVIII – nachale XXI v.: ot samoupravliaemoi kolonii k etnokul’turnomu men’shinstvu] // Etnograficeskoe Obozrenie. 2020. DOI: 10.31857/S086954150010049-3. S